Your Business Can Be A Vehicle To Access Time And Financial Freedom
I'm rarely a believer in one-size-fits-all advice because we're not all 'one size'. Meaning: we each come to the table with a variety of experiences, scars, fears, circumstances, privileges, opportunities, and on and on.
I'm an (elder) millennial and people mock us to say that we think we're all 'unique snowflakes'. In this case, I'll take that intended insult and agree: we are all unique in what motivates us, what we desire, and how we attain said desire.
Today's question from Reena sheds light on this: her wish, like many of us, is to live a life of freedom and flexibility and to create a business that is the vehicle to create that for her.
While her combination of circumstances is unique (chronic illness, limited energy, and trauma), there's a lot we can learn from reena's situation even if our circumstances are different. Here's her question:
Dear Darrah: My life has taken some unexpected turns in the last few years. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness which led to medical leave. I had a very traumatic, unsupportive, and stressful experience with my long-term employer. My benefits were cut and I resigned from a job I intended to keep until retirement. I don't have a business background (I have a social services background), I am not tech savvy and do not have an online presence at all. But my dream is to do some type of voice work (I am drawn to asmr) and to have my own channel online. The last few years have taken a lot out of me. However, I now know what kind of life I want. I know what I want to do, but I am not sure how to start. I need to prioritize my health which means that work from home and self-employment is my best (and preferred) option. I want to earn enough money (translation -- a lot!) to give me a good work/life balance and enable me to contribute to causes that I care about as I had been doing prior to illness when finances were not a concern. How do I go about being self-employed, working from home, creating an online business with a chronic illness (where I need to be very mindful of my energy and have limited energy)? What is the best way to start such an endeavor? What should I focus on first? Thank you! Reena
Let's start by focusing on what you do have, not (yet) focusing on what you 'lack'. You have the desire, skills, focus, direction, experience, and necessity all working in your favor.
Now, how to start:
Get super clear on a. what your current life costs and b. what your ideal life vision costs.
Map out how much time you can offer to this business (taking into account your energy levels, health challenges, and other time commitments).
Consider what skillsets you have to offer and would love to do so in exchange for payment, over and over again. (Brainstorm wildly here: it could be something you've not seen before.)
Consider what problems you see in the world that you'd love to help solve and who needs them solved. (a business solves problems and moves people towards a more desirable outcome, so it's essential that you know what problem you're solving.)
What steps does it take for someone with said problem to resolve or improve it? Are you able to help them do that? How long does it take to guide them through that process?
What would be the outcome someone would have on the other side of that interaction/engagement?
(Side note: there's no shame in getting/having a part or full-time job while you build up your business. This can reduce financial stress and anxiety and help you make thoughtful decisions in your business.)
Answering these questions will begin to help you hone in on what you sell, to whom, and if it's a good fit for the lifestyle you want and need. From there, conversations of pricing, marketing/attraction, and client management come next. But don't put the cart before the horse. Start here.