1-on-1 coaching offers the guidance, support, and accountability you need.
Seeking clarity, consistency, and confidence in your life and business?

the vehicle to create the time and financial freedom you need to live the life of your dreams.
Let’s work together to make that a reality.
let me guess
You started your business with the hopes of freedom and flexibility...
only to discover that your business is running you.
*or you're just getting started and want to avoid this.
Would you benefit from having a proven system to grow your business without burning out?
Want your company to kick off the exact income you need to live the life of your dreams?
Want to reconnect with what your truly desire and your ultimate 'why'?
Crave the guidance of a mentor who has already done it?
Want to finally experience the freedom/lifestyle you signed up for when you started your business?

I can help with all of that.
I’ve not only overcome those exact same hurdles myself…
but I’ve helped my clients to do the same.
You may be one of them if you’re looking for a hybrid approach that blends life, mindset, and business coaching.
Meet some of my past clients who share their transformational results:
"The confidence Darrah helped me build helped my business grow by 200%! "
I am now not afraid to talk numbers and know what my time is worth.
I've gained so much: clarity, systems to achieve my personal and professional goals, and a true CEO mindset.
Darrah is magical and can help you achieve your dreams!
"I 250x’d revenue and finally feel happy again!”
I was struggling to make my business work and find happiness and joy in the process. I came to Darrah for business coaching, but she made the experience so much more than that. After our time together, my revenue has more than doubled, I am working less, and I’m much happier. I could tell that Darrah actually gives a shit about creating growth for me and in me!
"Working with Darrah was the best investment I've made: a life-changing experience!"
She is a force to be reckoned with. The energy, commitment, and warmth she brought to each session were noteworthy. She was dialed in on helping to guide me in the right direction, gently with love, while also firm. This was a big experience in shifting my mindset and I couldn't have gotten there without her. I want to shout it from the rooftops! Darrah is worth every penny and more. The growth I had, the confidence I gained to show up for myself and build my business and my life. If you're thinking about working with Darrah, I would not hesitate! You will thank yourself for making the decision and you'll grow ten-fold!
"Since working together, I've doubled my revenue!"
As a founder, I had a lot of fear, uncertainty, and loneliness. Darrah is absolutely unique in her ability to bring as much value through her incredible commercial, entrepreneurial, and business prowess as she can through an array of more ‘woo’ modalities. She can bring big brains and big heart guidance in equal measure. She can move seamlessly between it all in one conversation (have thoroughly tested this). Really special. She's also the Mary Poppins of connections. Her ability to keep pulling incredible people out of her bag of ‘someone she knows who might be helpful’ is mind-blowing and she’s the most generous connector.
“This was worth every penny!"
I generated an additional $130,000/year, delegated more to my team which freed up my time, and drive my business decisions to align with my dream life vision and master life cost calculator.
"One call alone was worth the price of the entire engagement!"
I don't think I've ever felt so seen by a coach in my life!

how they feel
they showed up
Overwhelmed >
Lost >
Unmet Potential >
Stressed About Money >
No Time For Life Outside Of Work >
Stuck >
Self-Doubt and Fear >
and left with
Actionable Plan/Roadmap
Focus and Clarity
Financially Free
Ample Time and Energy To Do What You Desire
I get it because I was once in your exact situation.
I spent years busting my ass, chasing other people’s definitions of success, and burning out. I was “successful” on paper, but felt deeply out of alignment and wasn’t fulfilled.
I learned how to get unstuck and went from saying what I value to actually living my values (hello 50% travel for pleasure, deeper impact, and living out of my gifts full-throttle)!
Suddenly I was working less, feeling fulfilled, making more money, and better serving my clients.
I was actually living in alignment with what matters to me!

As I made these intentional shifts…
Others saw and asked me to coach them, telling me they felt stuck, uncertain, and unfulfilled.
Admittedly, I resisted for a long time because of unsavory practices I’d seen abounding in the coaching space.
But I was called to do this work and took a chance.
When they saw massive and transformational results in their lives, careers, and businesses, I stopped resisting and continued to help and serve.
I was blown away by their results (like “finally feeling happy” and 250x revenues), coupled with how much I loved doing it!
Here’s how we’ll transform your life + business in a matter of months:
(Please keep in mind that all 1-on-1 coaching is customized to your specific needs.)
Design Your Life
○ It begins with defining your values, dreams, and what success means to you.
○ We’ll use unique methods and exercises to unearth, visualize, and map out your ideal life, so that you can create it.
○ This foundation is essential so the business you build elevates the life you want, rather than consumes it.
Identify The Mindset Hurdles That Are Stopping You
○ No matter how evolved you are, none of us are immune to mindsets that are holding us back.
○ Common ones are fear, scarcity, doubt, obligation, comparison, and old narratives that were programmed into us.
○ We’ll identify these and offer you tools and modalities to reframe and rewire them into mindsets that serve you.
Map Out What Your Dream Life Costs
○ We’ll calculate exactly what your dream life costs, and…
○ You’ll be amazed that the life you desire is way more within reach than you likely think it is!
○ Once we know that number, we can…
Reverse-Engineer Your Business
○ Analyze your revenue streams, time expenditures, team, and opportunities.
○ Then determine where the dial needs to be turned up/down/stay the same.
○ Map out exactly what your business needs to do to generate the revenue and income that funds the life of your dreams!
Create A Strategy
○ We’ll lay out a clear roadmap to marry your dream life with your business growth strategy.
○ Determining the exact strategies and steps to institute to get you closer to your goals.
○ And decide which items you need to take off of your plate (stop, outsource, delegate, automate) to free up your time.
Action + Accountability!
○ Then we move into intentional, guided action.
○ I’ll be there with you to lovingly kick your butt and hold space for you to unearth what’s within, ready to come out.
○ Then we celebrate your growth and progress as you make huge strides to have a business and life you love!
New List Item
Description goes here
curious how our time together would be spent?
We’ll connect remotely for 3-6 months of 1-hour bi-weekly sessions with ‘homework’ between them.
Because my 1:1 coaching is customized based on your unique needs, our time together will be a hybrid of following a proven roadmap I’ve seen work for both myself and my clients, as well as remaining open to intuitively go where it needs to in real-time.
You’ll walk away with clarity around what you want, a strategy for how to get there, and a mindset and network to support your ability to make it happen.
Bi-weekly 1-hour calls
Email and text support between sessions
Alternate bi-weekly accountability check-ins
In-depth session notes
Access to my customized courses, resources, and tools
Post-session action plans
Access to my digital community of female business owners
Ad hoc calls for urgent matters (within reason, at no extra cost)
what’s included

think of me as your
thought partner, business strategist, and coach in residence, there to saddle up beside you on what can be a confusing and lonely journey.
Our time together will be a safe place to process, strategize, and celebrate.
I Love To
Work With Entrepreneurs Who Are…
Multi-dimensional…aka doing one thing for eternity has never been your jam.
You might work full-time and this is your creative side hustle, or you simply have a lot of interests and you like to express them through multiple projects, hobbies, or businesses.
Seeking direction and a clear path forward.
You might feel stuck, doubting yourself, or over-analyzing what to do next. With some guidance and confidence, you’re a person of action.
Started your business to have more freedom and flexibility!
Yet, you’re losing site of that or are fearful that you might if things keep going in the current direction.

If your business is running you, Dr. Heather can relate.
Here’s her story:
READY TO have a
growing business you enjoy, that kicks off the
precise income you need to live the life you desire,
and make the impact you seek?
No need to decide now.
We can hop on a discovery call to see if it’s mutually aligned!
what’s next?
Step 1: Fill out a short form by clicking the button below.
Step 2: I’ll reach out to book a complimentary discovery call.
Step 3: We’ll explore if it’s a fit so you can make an informed, worry-free decision!
“The investment is absolutely worth it!
I got really clear on the next steps for my life and business and I love the way I am showing up to work and life every single day!
Darrah has an amazing bullshit detector that will get you out of your comfort zone in no time.
I've raised my prices, said 'no' to a partnership that no longer served me, and got involved in great opportunities for exposure that are all growing my business.”
If you’d first like to know more about my 15+ years as an entrepreneur-turned-coach, allow me to elaborate…

A 5-time founder with 1 exit, author, Inc. Magazine columnist, and co-host of a digital series with Deepak Chopra.
I love the woo-woo stuff as much as the practical and strategic and I’m a bit of a bridge between the spiritual and earthly.
In fact, I’m certified in reiki, hypnosis, a positive psychology-based 360 review, the 5C’s Culture Asessment, and the Principles assessment for teams and leaders.
I’ve been featured in over 300 media outlets like:
It wasn’t always this straight-forward…
I’d chased ‘my passion’ into the fashion industry and beyond, only to realize I was chasing other people’s definitions of success and was miserable.
After being laid off 3 times in 3 years, I reanalyzed my choices and decided to start my first business (a credit card processing company) with my twin brother.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be my own boss, help people through my work, and travel the world.
I was terrified, however, because I had little savings and majorly lacked confidence.
It was a roller-coaster…
The first couple of years were a mess… lots of stress, anxiety, tears, loneliness and empty bank accounts.
I basically holed myself in my house (which was another point of stress because I constantly feared having it foreclosed upon), worked about 11 hours a day, turned down any invites that cost money or took much of my time, and doubted myself more by the day.
I was burnt out, exhausted, and running in the opposite direction of things I said I valued (like relationships, self-care, or personal growth).
Something shifted…
Around this time, a friend sparked an idea in me that unintentionally (and simultaneously) launched my second business.
Network under 40 was born and became a monetized embodiment of one of my greatest gifts: connecting people.
By hosting monthly peer-based networking events, I was pleasantly surprised when I started making a sizable side income while making an impact in my community, my profile rose, and I was driving more clients to my primary business!
Suddenly the pieces started to come together when I developed systems so that I could delegate portions of the business. I used that income to grow both businesses and
finally start traveling, spending time with people I love, and ultimately, living the life I’d dreamed of when I started my entrepreneurial journey.
As the years passed…
That financial and time freedom allowed me to do things like:
○ Write a kids book on financial literacy
○ Travel 50% of the time for pleasure
○ Be invited to be in rooms like the United Nations, TED, and Davos
○ Run my businesses passively
○ Collaborate with people like Deepak Chopra, Adam Grant, Seth Godin, Marie Forleo, Jillian Michaels, and Shaq
○ Carve out time to fall in love, get engaged and have a baby
○ Build our dream home
It also freed me up to recognize a deep intuitive hit that told me that it was time to share and teach what I’ve learned through coaching.

transform your business into a tool that will support your growth and fund your dreams like never before.
I’ve been where you are now and I know exactly how to get you out of survival mode and/or overwhelm so you can start thriving!
“I'm simply not the same person that I was when I started!
You will not find another environment where you’ll get clarity on who you are, where your business is going, and actionable steps on how to have a business, not a job!”

ready to see if 1-on-1 coaching is a fit for you?
Then fill out this short form so we can set up a free discovery call!
If you’re ready for a customized and comprehensive coaching program
Then we should be working together!
If your business doesn’t feel fun, empowering, and freeing…
You’re doing business wrong and it’s time to address that ASAP!
Seriously, think about it. What was the goal and vision you had for yourself when you first became an entrepreneur?
I doubt that it consisted of working countless hours, stressing about your bank account balance, sacrificing all the other things you love to do, and feeling like there's no sign of light at the end of the tunnel!
I want you to feel what it's like to make the vision of your ideal life and business into a reality!
The Time Is Now
The Time Is Now
No more lying to yourself that you aren’t enough.
That all stops now if you want it to.
Meet some of my past clients who share their transformational results:
"I felt stuck and disconnected from my true self, and that I didn't have the tools to get out of my own way."
I was out of alignment: like I was swimming upstream in my life.
Darrah had both the 'woo woo' and business savvy to not only help me investigate my values and ideal life design, but also put the pieces in place to actually get there. She is equal parts feeling/ emotions and tactical/ strategy. Her ability to be dynamic offered so much value. I honestly felt no need to look anywhere else.
As a result, I've grown and achieved so much! I launched my business!
In three months, I went from stuck to soaring! I also have found so much self-confidence from our work.
You don't have to do it all on your own. If you feel stuck, have the desire to live in flow with who you are, and have a business strategy or path forward to back that up, then I'd highly recommend this. Choosing to work with Darrah is one of the best decisions I've made!
“In the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic, on a whim, I made a sizable investment in myself and hired my first personal/business coach, Darrah: who has been the freakin’ Dumbledore to my Harry Potter…”
Guiding me along as I fumble around trying to figure out who I am and how to use my special gifts for good.
The scope of my skills was excessively wide and I couldn’t exactly see how it would merge into something I could turn into a profitable business. I had crippling fear of starting something and not loving it or worse, FAILING. I am comfortable as a director of marketing at a very successful software company, I have an amazing boss, and i’m ranked number 30 in a company of 1k+ people.
But: something was missing. Luckily, I made an investment in MYSELF, and Darrah, was there to help me get over myself, figure out what success means to me (and only me) and what kind of life I REALLY want to live.
- gina k.

help you figure out the missing pieces and have a clear roadmap forward!
Your company will run more smoothly and make more money, all while allowing you more freedom to expand in other areas of your life.
You’ll feel joy and a sense of fulfillment in running your business on your own terms!

If your mind is screaming
“I’m not ready!”
“I’m too busy, I can’t add another thing to my plate!”
“My business isn’t big enough yet…”
“I can’t yet afford help!”
…then this might actually be the precise thing for you!
Yes. This is what you’ve been looking for.
Your roadmap to live the life you’ve imagined in your mind (or lost track of altogether…don’t worry, we’ll find it) by making your business the mechanism to get you there!

ready to connect and see if it’s a fit?
Then fill out this short form so we can set up a free discovery call!
Step 1: Fill out a short form by clicking the button below.
Step 2: We’ll set up a complimentary discovery call to see if this is a fit for both of us.
“Darrah is a wizard of the world, able to bridge the spiritual and the material as she supports you to navigate the unfamiliar and make it familiar.
She is matter-of-fact with a dose of love.
She will drop a bottle of precision and clarity for you to take actionable steps aligned with your personal directive.”

Now’s your chance!
If any part of you thinks this is worth exploring, you have nothing to lose by spending 5 minutes filling out this form and setting up a discovery call!