In Pursuit Of Pleasure And Delight (Lessons And Takeaways)

How much space do you create for seeking delight, enjoyment, and/or pleasure throughout your days?

This isn't meant to call you out, but it may be an invitation.

I had a realization a couple of months ago that I'd gotten super skilled at things like efficiency, productivity, and finding ways to connect with enjoyment when I planned them well in advance (for example: a trip, a gathering with friends, or a concert).

I also realized how adept I was at avoiding displeasure (thanks, reptilian brain)!

But what felt as if it could use some attention was the seeking and savoring of the things throughout any given day that bring delight and/or pleasure that are well within my reach and just took a little bit of recalibrating to prioritize.

Once I tuned my frequency into that, I started to notice things like the sound of the birds outside. I'd carve out time between calls to take a walk and listen to a podcast. I'd smile at passersby and appreciate the small moment of connection. I'd take more time luxuriating in my morning routine (reading, meditating, journaling). I started taking outdoor showers and feeling the breeze and the sunshine.

None of these took much money. Or a lot of time. And the contribution they've made to the quality of my days has been substantial.

As I've been on this journey to prioritize them, it's shone a bright spotlight on how deeply ingrained the cultural narrative of 'hustle, grind, produce' was in me. While I'd eschewed it in a lot of ways, the roots were deeper still.

In some cases, I had to look at old programming that told me 'it's not okay to get up from work to do that' or 'it's lazy not to start work by 9 am'.

Perhaps this comes much more naturally to you than it does to me. Should that be the case, then I ask you, 'what is something in your life that you want to invite in and prioritize? How will you begin to do so today?'

With delight, Darrah


Books I've Loved So Far This Year 📚


How to Find More Pleasure And Delight in Your Entrepreneurial Journey