Looking For A Job? Heed This Advice…
When you’re looking to get the support of someone in your network to get you closer to an aim you have, there are ways in which you can do that to strengthen your likelihood for success (versus reduce it).
Let’s talk specifically today about seeking help with a job search. (for what it’s worth, I’m a fan of entrepreneurs and side hustlers considering having a job while they get their business to a place that can support them financially. There’s no shame in this and it can be a huge help in keeping you sane and making sustainable choices in your business.)
This inquiry came into my q&a form (feel free to submit, too) and i think it’s a great teachable moment for what not to do if you want someone to be able to help:
“I am seeking a new job, do you know of anyone hiring currently? My background is a bit diverse. I have experience in human resources, administrative support and event planning. If you know anyone who is seeking to hire, please let me know!”
Here’s the primary issue: it’s way too vague.
The truth is, if we can’t help the recipient of our inquiry to see a clear image in their mind of what we’re seeking and/or to quickly identify a potential contact (or more), in most cases, they’re going to move on to the next thing.
Below is an email I received from my cousin (which she consented to my sharing) a couple of years ago after she shut down her education technology company and was ready for a new challenge. I was amazed at the detail and clarity she had. And because of it, I was able to focus my efforts to help by making introductions and suggestions for her.
After you read it, I’ll break down for you what you should consider to create your own and help your network help you:
Hey Darrah,
Hope all is well! I’m back from the burn - was a blast as usual (see some photos below).
I’m now on a full time job hunt and would love to solicit your help. I’ve applied to 2 jobs so far - one at xyz to head up their oakland initiative, and one at a nonprofit called abc to manage strategic partnerships. I realize I need to expand my search beyond these.
So, I’d love your help in two ways:
1) where can I find lists of jobs besides the obvious? What repositories are helpful? Do you know anyone who is a recruiter, and do you think that would be a good route?
2) after looking at a lot of job postings that aren't a fit, I’ve put together a set of criteria, listed below, for which I’m seeking. Does anything come to mind? Any people I should talk to?
If this is easier over the phone, let me know. As always, thank you so much for your help!
Type of organization:
A sustainable, highly-functional nonprofit org
A social impact company, or a similar purpose within a department of a large company
If it’s a startup, would have to be past series a in funding
A progressive government entity
20+ employees
Local, not distributed team (people working remotely)
The kind of work I care about:
Local impact in the bay area
Connecting the bay area’s tech and corporate world to its surrounding community in meaningful ways
Creating inclusive company cultures and diversity in hiring
Empowering women and minorities to start businesses
Women’s issues in education and the workplace
Sexual health and education, combatting sexual assault
Civil rights and human rights
Spreading stories through documentaries, podcasts/radio and other long-form journalism to raise awareness and spark change
Urban planning, specifically affordable housing and transit-oriented development
College/life counseling for teens who need it the most
I want my role to look like:
Connecting people, connecting the dots
Building partnerships between people and/or organizations
Creating strategy and/or participating in strategy sessions
Teaching and coaching
Writing and speaking
Planning events
Managing projects and/or people
I don’t want my role to look like:
Fundraising and schmoozing
Working in isolation
Traveling a ton (5ish work trips a year would be manageable)
Commissioned sales or account executive
Customer support
Busywork, paperwork, computer all day long
Analyzing spreadsheets
Collaboration with other employees:
I want a manager who is a mentor I respect and learn from
Manage a small team
Work with others, in person, on a daily basis
Company culture:
Diverse staff, or prioritizing diverse hiring practices going forward
Respects employees’ boundaries (no calling over the weekend)
Flexible vacation policy
Prioritize accomplishing tasks over time spent at desk
Can work from home or remotely every so often
Employees respect one another and socialize outside of work
San francisco
South bay to where bart ends - millbrae (no caltrain)
Accessible by public transit, preferably bart
Salary: $75k+
Start date: October 1
As you can imagine, tess was able to find a new gig that was a great fit for her. Her level of clarity concerning what she was seeking made it simple for her network to know how they could open doors for her, or point her in the right direction.
Be personal:
Her email addresses me by name and starts with a warm greeting and a quick update on what’s going on in her life which is causing her to reach out. She even adds pictures (which I didn’t include here to preserve her privacy). Make sure your note reflects your personality and doesn’t feel as if you’ve bcc’d everyone in your rolodex.
Be direct:
She quickly gets to the point: that she needs help, and is specific that there are two ways in which I can help her. She doesn’t skirt around it, and suggests two options for ways to help and leverage my network. Perhaps because of my experience, I will have resources, and if not, I may have an introduction to, or knowledge of, a company which is a fit. It’s clear that she values my opinion, resources and network equally. This is wise, for her to create the best likelihood of my being able to assist.
Be intentional:
The email offers tangible examples of some jobs that she considers a good fit, to serve as a framework for the reader. She also demonstrates that she has put the work into her search by applying already.
Be specific:
It doesn’t get much more clear than her bulleted list of must-haves and have-nots. I suggest making a non-negotiable list for yourself of the top 10 items your role must have. It could include salary, culture, employee headcount, commute time, office attire, benefits, percent of time designated to administrative versus other roles, or any other combination of things which are most important to you. It will help you sift through the opportunities, ask great questions, and as this example does, it will help you ask your network to support you specifically.
Be narrow:
She does a great job of narrowing down her search and painting a vivid picture for me. When she says 'non-profit', 'social impact', 'startup', etc, she’s speaking in broad terms; however, she gets more specific continually based on her criteria and non-negotiables. She is very specific in laying out both what she does and does not want the job to entail, so I can continue to knock out items that might come to mind, as well as to conjure up helpful ideas.
Be gracious:
Never was she presumptuous or pushy, but instead, was personable, clear, and open. Each of these traits leaves me, as the reader, feeling inclined to help her in any way I can.
Be discerning:
You’ll want to be intentional about those to whom you send this. If you’re not comfortable with their knowing this amount of detail about your career, nor are you comfortable asking for a favor, don’t send it to them. Otherwise, find another way to engage with them first, before diving into this ask. Slso use this as a resource in nurturing your network.
As your search continues, and ultimately wraps up, be sure to circle back with anyone who invested in you during this process. send them updates and thanks for their help.
If you do know exactly where you want to go next, but don’t have a connection there, check out this article which will help you connect with them with ease.
Keep this in mind: you can’t expect the person to whom you’re reaching out to put in more effort than you do. So do the legwork to set them up to feel great about helping you and in turn, you get the help you’re seeking!