get closer to living the life you want

on a 10-point scale, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with your life?


is that number one you’d like to improve?


if so, it might be time to consider redesigning some of it.


before i scare you away, let’s start with some reflection and bringing awareness to your current versus desired situation.


first: get honest about what you want versus where you are now.


dig deep. think about your relationships, work, finances, social life, habits, hobbies, spiritual life, service, etc.


step back and think of your daily life as though you’re watching a movie about the ideal version of it. who's in it? what are you doing? where are you? what feelings are you experiencing most prominently? what's different/changed?


now answer the following questions:

  • is it possible to experience some or all of this now?

  • is it worth it to me to do what it takes to get to this point?

  • will living this life give me what i’m really seeking?

if you answer ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions, it’s worth further investigation.


whenever you’re ready, write out steps you can take to begin to move towards this vision. break them down as small as you’d like and focus only on the next step. once it’s complete, the next. then the next. (leaving wiggle room in your mind to allow yourself to adapt and change direction if/when you change your mind about what you want.)


continue to come back to the feelings and images from your visualization whether that’s by closing your eyes and/or writing about it.


where you put your attention and energy is where you see results. that’s the fundamental reason why manifestation works.


you can do this if you pair your desire with your actions.

to moving closer to the life you want, darrah

darrah brustein