What Are You Willing To Lose To Get What You Hope To Gain?

What are you willing to lose to get what you hope to gain?

It's common that our desire for comfort, stability, security, and/or control keeps us where we are.

Despite having visions and dreams of where we want to be, we're often unwilling to risk the possibility of losing the aforementioned things and feelings to get there.

In some cases, our fear is rooted in trauma and real psychological reasons that need to be addressed and healed before it's safe to proceed.

Most of the time, it's safe already but our reptilian brain is preventing us from taking the steps necessary to try.

There isn't a 'right' answer to this rhetorical question. It's also worth asking yourself with enough space to answer it truthfully.

What are you willing to lose to get what you hope to gain?

(you first need directional clarity in order to address this.)

Maybe there's been something nagging at you internally, trying to get your attention. Are you willing to listen and then act on it (even if that means losing things that feel scary in the short term to pursue the thing(s) that feel even more worthwhile to you)?

To your growth, Darrah


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