Were you raised to believe that "winners never quit and quitters never win"?
Allow me to debunk that and tell you instead that:
Deciding when to stop is not quitting, it's a skill.
I hope this is one lesson we do better at teaching future generations because, like most things, it's so much more nuanced than that!
Read MoreIs there anywhere in your life where you're holding off from making a decision or taking action because you're afraid of making the wrong choice or moving in the wrong direction?This is how it happens: Instead of using the information you have and trusting yourself enough to make the best decision you can given that information, you stall. You make entirely logical excuses about why, too.This makes sense because you can make a rational argument to support whatever your stance is on just about anything (we all can).
Read Moreif one of the best ways to grow your business is through referrals (it is), but you don't have a steady stream of clients, how do you get referrals?
start with your existing network and thoughtfully ask for introductions to people who work with your ideal client. build great relationships with them so that they feel comfortable and enthusiastic to send referrals to you. and, when possible, send them value-add introductions and referrals, too.
Read Moredoing the work to get your metaphorical house in order is exactly like cleaning out your actual closet: you'll excavate all of the years of stuff out onto the floor, separate them into piles: 'trash, donate, keep', and then get overwhelmed because things felt way less messy before you started this process.
Read MoreFor the past couple of years, I've been working quietly on a TV project (networking in the industry, pitching, and trying to get this show made about something I deeply believe needs to be seen).
So many pats on the back and seeming commitments turned into unreturned emails and calls. So many walls built up until "you find a celebrity to get on board.".
Read MoreIf you've ever played with dominoes or have seen them, you know this: It takes a long time to set up the chain, at the precise distance from one another, and with much finesse, until you can finally have that 'payoff' moment where you knock over the first one and get to watch some, or all, of them fall.
Read MoreHindsight is funny, and memory isn't always reliable (just look at data from eyewitness testimonies).
But one thing I know for sure is that when I think from today's vantage point of 13 years as a business owner back to years one through five, I can say decidedly that I was living in a state of constant adrenaline fatigue and stress.
But I didn't realize it.
Read Morefinding a good book is one of my most time-consuming (yet rewarding) activities. in the spirit of saving you time and contributing to your growth, First name / friend, i’ve whittled down my 45 reads from 2021 into my top 16 suggestions for you in 2022!
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