there have been a handful of instances over the last 9 months where i found myself having an outsized reaction to similar circumstances. do you know that feeling i’m describing? where something triggers you that wasn’t ‘rationally’ that big of a deal?
i began to see that the root of my reaction was because it was hitting an old, unhealed wound that occurred any time i felt misunderstood.⠀
so i tried this ‘simple' (read: not necessarily easy, but straightforward) technique which i’d like to share with you, too, because we all have scarring, wounds, and traumas that impact the way we show up and react in our adult lives.
and, the more we can see the links and begin to heal them, the faster we can overcome the blocks that are holding us back.
here’s how the technique works (and major thanks to my friend adam for first teaching this to me):
on the experience that triggered you and re-live it in your mind.
write how it made you feel and get to the bottom of what the trigger is.
and ask Source/God to bring up a memory from childhood that connects with those feelings.
that trauma.
let it come fully to the surface.
make the choice to
(yourself and/or other(s) who were involved).⠀
Source: what should that experience have looked like?
what could they or i have done differently?
then re-write and play out the new version of the memory in your imagination.
when the trigger comes up again in your life,
back to this re-written memory, remembering that you've forgiven those in the past who hurt you in this way.
the mind is powerful and doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality and this reprograms childhood scarring and traumas that whether we want to believe it or not, deeply impact us moving forward.
more specifically, for me, when i asked for that childhood memory, i was brought back to one with my twin brother when he was being treated poorly by our nanny. i suddenly remembered it vividly and recalled wanting to protect him and being restrained. when my parents returned home, i told them, but they didn't believe me.⠀
i started to cry as i remembered the pain of this and how much it hurt to watch him hurt and then to be made to feel like i wasn't telling the truth. so, i forgave my parents, empathizing that they wouldn't want to believe that they'd let someone care for their kids who would act in this way. i then re-wrote the memory where my parents told me, "we believe you and we're going to make it right."⠀
i felt such a release from this and when I'm faced again with this trigger, i’ll go back to the new memory to continue to move through it with less pain.⠀
i hope my sharing this will help you to further your healing, too. 🙏❤