how to wrestle with fear (and win)

psst– i want to let you in on two little secrets:

  1. if you ever feel like you’re alone on an island with your thoughts and not sure what to do with them all… you are, in fact, far from alone.

  2. we are all inprocess, perpetually learning and growing. we’ll change our minds and grow and outgrow things we believe and think (hopefully okay (more often than not) with not being perfect along the way).

because of that, i wanted to co-create a space to honor this and share some behind-the-scenes of what i’m processing, in hopes that it will be of service to you and your growth, too. so…drumroll please….


i launched a limited series podcast today alongside one of my favorite processing partners: kimberlin bolton.


she and i continuously have multi-hour conversations from my couch, and being ever-amazed by the speed and depth of her growth and what she consistently processes, we encapsulated those talks in this format to share, trusting that these topics and themes might support you in your growth, as well.


actual images from our first couch recording session:

tune into episode 1 here where we discuss wrestling with fear (and coming out victoriously on the other side).


spend 34 minutes with us (or 17 on 2x speed) to hear about:

  1. why everything is rooted in either fear or love

  2. how to identify the root of your actions, beliefs, and thoughts

  3. how to navigate when your intention and impact don’t match

  4. handling the fear and pain of people not liking you, agreeing with you, and/or slinging insults at what you create

  5. why you should show up and create anyway

  6. how to create the environment for what you’re uniquely called to do and how to get out of your own way to do that

  7. how your words and work might make waves and simultaneously plant seeds for growth in others about which you may never know

  8. why many ‘truths’ can co-exist

  9. how to put service above yourself in the pursuit of your mission (without becoming a martyr)

  10. discerning whether or not you have people in your life with whom you feel safe and trusting enough to be inprocess

whether or not you tune in, please hear this: you’re welcome to change your mind, unlearn, not have all of the answers, and keep processing as you go and grow!

inprocess with you, darrah

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