let’s talk freedom
i’m thinking a lot about the word freedom as we come off of american independence day.
it’s my highest value and (for me) represents freedom of choice to:
✔️ have the time and financial ability to do that (ie have choice).
✔️ have a mindset that is mostly unburdened by the shackles of former stories, beliefs, and/or programming that don’t move me closer to true freedom.
✔️ change my mind as i grow, learn, and unlearn.
✔️ use and express my unique amalgamation of gifts and skills full-out.
✔️ mess up and try again.
✔️ love, serve, connect, and share with no abandon.
freedom is my compass. and i’ve come to learn that even things i once thought were at odds with it can actually be portals to deeper levels of freedom than i’d known before.
i’m curious:
-what’s your compass (that thing that is your wayfinder when things get blurry and murky)?
-are you staying the course or are you needing to find your way back to it?
with self-compassion, i invite you to sit with those questions and take whatever next step will bring you even slightly back into greater alignment.