how to do a professional breakup 💔
not all relationships are meant to last forever and that includes clients and professional collaborators.
i got this question in my dms on instagram and wanted to share some feedback since she won’t be the first, or the last, person to run into some challenges in this arena:
my feedback:
- have a first conversation to see if you can re-establish boundaries.
- submit a new proposal for the new scope of work. let them accept or decline.
- offer a deadline for payment before all work halts.
- it's okay for relationships to run their course. if you choose to end it, consult your contract for terms.
- if you want to leave them with a job description to replace you, that's generous, but not necessary.
- not being treated well is not okay. i tend to find several reasons that happens:
lack of awareness of boundaries.
they have other reasons they're acting out and taking it out on you.
they're struggling to address their actual issues with the relationship and misdirecting them.
they're actually just unkind.
- i believe people have the capacity to grow (when they desire to). that's up to you to decide if you want to give them that opportunity or not.
- the 80-20 rule applies here: focus on the 20% of work that makes you 80% of your revenue.
- sometimes people need to grow by recognizing what they've lost. that's not yours to decide but it's also not your burden to carry.
- you know deep down what you need to do. what is it?