i'm pregnant! here's what's coming...
you read that correctly: i'm pregnant! brendan and i are expecting a baby girl in january.
i'm doing a lot behind-the-scenes in my business to prepare. it's been a unique season that's inviting me to get super focused on what's essential and what can be delegated/outsourced/removed altogether.
i'm asking questions of myself like (which are great ones for you to consider asking yourself, too, no matter your current life circumstances):
do you love doing that?
is that causing the impact that matters most to you?
is that the best use of your time?
are you doing that because it's how you've always done it?
might it be time for evolution and if so, where and why?
among many other questions…
one thing that will not change is our weekly communication via these emails. i'm working ahead to create value-rich content that supports you to design your life, build a business to fund, and network to support you it.
what will change is:
1-on-1 coaching: i'll be taking the first quarter of 2024 off from 1-on-1 coaching which means that if you've been thinking about working together in this capacity, i have openings for the remainder of 2023 or again from q2 2024 and on. want to get on a call and discuss if it's a fit for you? click here to learn more about coaching options or here to schedule a call.
mastermind: this (new) mastermind community for lifestyle-led service-based business owners generating or on track to generate six figures in revenue per year or have been in business for 3+ years has just a couple of spaces left (out of 12 maximum). if you're looking for a space to grow alongside business owners who have been where you are and you're looking to get to the next level (as defined by your goals), this will help you do that. click here to learn more and consider joining us (it kicks off september 13)!
mind your business membership: my flagship group coaching program for service-based business owners looking to maximize profit and impact is now on hiatus but you can join the waitlist here.
also, it's worth saying: huge shoutout to all of you who are parents. as i approach this new journey, i have an even deeper level of respect and admiration for you!
cheers to new adventures, darrah
ps i opened up with the full story of my windy journey to get here on an upcoming episode of the inprocess podcast that will come out in a few months. if becoming a parent wasn't/isn't a straightforward decision for you, that episode will be worth a listen.
here's what i shared in our instagram announcement as a teaser: much more to share soon about the evolution of this journey. in short: it wasn't straightforward, easy, or frankly, a decision i ever estimated i'd make. that's the fun thing about life: never say never or hold too tightly to the plans you make or the identity you've crafted for yourself... leave room for things to evolve and to redesign your life as you go and grow.