the 3 p’s that might be holding you back

too much of a ‘good’ thing can become a ‘bad’ thing.


for example: drinking water. if you over consume it, you can drown yourself. without drinking it at all, you’ll dehydrate and die. it’s about consuming the appropriate amount.


the same goes with beliefs that turn into behaviors and habits.


there are three i see with coaching clients that hold them back consistently.


they tend to disguise themselves and take some excavation to recognize, address, and heal, as needed.


the 3 p’s are:

  • perfectionism

  • procrastination

  • people-pleasing

my 4th unrelated p: pause… let’s pause for a moment to consider each of these. before you race to your next activity, do an honest self-assessment.


do you see these traits showing up overtly or covertly?


if so, how are they adaptive versus maladaptive? meaning: in what way(s) are they supporting you and in what way(s) aren’t they? everything has a duality to it so it’s important to recognize both.


for example: perfectionism can win you a lot of praise, accolades, and traditional success. on the other hand, it can have you stressed, feeling never complete or good enough, verging on burnout, and feeling like your worth is tied to your outputs.


take a moment to consider how perfectionism, procrastination, and people-pleasing show up in your mindset and behaviors and how they’re supporting you versus holding you back. 

to minding your p’s by asking some q’s, darrah

p.s. honorary mention on this list goes to fear of failure and/or success. it often shows up as withdrawing or shrinking and not putting yourself out there to avoid failure or success and ultimately self-sabotoge. it also shows up in unreasonable expectations of your work, team, and/or clients.

darrah brustein