Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong problem 😬

The presenting problem someone brings to our coaching work is often just a symptom of something deeper. If we don’t address whatever that is, it’s like cutting a weed and not pulling out the roots. You’ll see the weed pop up over and over again.


This is exactly the case for this week’s caller on Your Business Hotline.


Her goal is to have a steady stream of inbound clients for her coaching business and she has a lot of stories about why things ‘aren’t working’.


When we mirror what she shares back to her, she realizes that no matter how much she’s doing that’s ‘productive’, she believes that she’s ‘highly cultured trash’ and that’s influencing her confidence to sell.


The data she has demonstrates that the issues she’s focusing on aren’t issues at all (they’re distracting her from looking within). In fact, if she keeps doing what she’s doing while working on the energy behind it, her results will change.


Your beliefs about yourself are likely different.

What’s similar is that whatever those beliefs are, they’re influencing your outcomes.

To aligning your actions with your beliefs, darrah

Ps this episode also includes an update from season 1’s Anna. She came to us while pregnant, running an international retreats company. She knew it was time to move from a team of mostly one to more. What she learned and implemented has forever changed the face of her business (and her life) for the better. Listen here (especially if you need systems and people to support your growth).


How to become more profitable 💰


Should I Stay Or Should I Go?🚪