2 key tools for your visioning + goal planning this year

are you planning to take some time over the holidays to reflect on the year that’s passed and goal plan or vision for the upcoming one?


if so, here’s a workbook that offers useful tools to map out your vision, choose mantras for how you’d like the year to feel, and visualize it through narrative and imagery (this combination is key.)


pro tip: when you have a destination in mind, you naturally channel your efforts towards it,  making your daily choices much more obvious and focused.


that said, the magic comes when you release the expectation of the outcome and allow the path to guide you and unfold without creating resistance to how that transpires. 💫 


additionally, here’s a 15-minute guided visualization to help you tap into your inner guidance and find the clarity you might need.


i would love to hear what you envision for your future (for real: hit reply and let me know)!

to your best year yet, darrah

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