when things don't go as planned

if you’re ever feeling stuck or lost, today’s tips are for you.

in this 3+ minute video, i share a story about what happened for me when i paired intention and action with curiosity and looseness about how things unfolded.


spoiler alert: while the outcomes didn’t match my pre-determined ones, they turned out much better, and still remained aligned with my bigger-picture vision, values, and mission. 


when i zoomed the lens out enough, i was able to see that. had i stopped at the first (or second, third, or tenth) moment(s) of challenge, i would have missed it as well as the lesson that each of those moments turned out to be invitations for iterations and slight adjustments that moved me to where i was better-suited to go.


take a quick watch here to hear more and see how this might apply to you and your current circumstances. 

to your story's beautiful unfolding, darrah

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