can i help? (ask me anything!)

as part of my ongoing intention to serve you well and honor your invitation into your inbox, i’d love to know how i can help you specifically.


do you have a question with which i can assist? perhaps something that would support you in creating the time and financial freedom you need to create success on your own terms? or anything related to my core philosophy to help you design your life, build a business to fund it, and a network to support it?


if so, please click here to submit your question.

(you’re welcome to leave it anonymously.)


i’ll read every single one of them and answer them over the course of the upcoming months right here in my weekly emails and/or on my instagram account.

looking forward to answering your questions, darrah

ps as we enter the holiday season, giving becomes top-of-mind for many of us. i also suspect you might be naturally wired as a giver and show up as such all year round. please allow me to take this opportunity to remind you that you’re invited to give in ways that feel good to you, not because you feel obligated, guilted, or shamed into doing so. additionally, you’re also invited to give to yourself in the ways that you need (now and all year long). that could look like saying ‘no’, taking a break, resting, outsourcing or delegating, or whatever else you need to nourish yourself. please don’t eviscerate yourself this holiday season under the guise of doing it all for everyone else. ❤️

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