12 Questions To Ask Yourself Today

Before every session I have with coaching clients, I send them a unique set of thought prompts to consider as they prepare for our time together. 

I’d like to offer some of those to you today, too, as I know that we all have the answers we seek within. Sometimes we just need to be asked the right question and slow down enough to be honest with ourselves about the answer.

I invite you to take a quiet moment to consider these questions (maybe even write down your answers):

  • Where are you feeling stuck or stagnant?

  • Where are you being overly critical of yourself or others? Why?

  • What assumptions, beliefs, or stories do you recognize that aren’t serving you?

  • What are you ready to release that isn’t serving you? (behaviors, thoughts, tangible items, etc)

  • What brings you the most joy? How can you prioritize more of that?

  • For what are you grateful that is and that is coming to be?

  • What’s something that’s working out because you trusted yourself?

  • What would you five years ago want to say to you today?

  • What’s one message you want to remind yourself of as you proceed ahead?

  • Who do you want to be in five years and what choices do you need to make today to start aligning yourself to become that person?

  • What feels most out of alignment?

  • What’s an area of your life in which you have a goal or dream but aren’t putting attention to it? Why?

Now what will you choose to do with the insights you’ve garnered?

To deeper self inquiry, Darrah


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