i promised i’d share this unfiltered story

yesterday was my 40th birthday. a moment in time that many have conjoined in their minds with certain milestones and expectations.


i didn’t have those, per se. but what i did have in no way resembled how it transpired.


what i mean is that i was 32 weeks pregnant… a statement (i say with no hyperbole) i never thought i’d say.


i wrestled for years with whether or not i wanted to be a parent. and one thing i sought out during my inner diligence were stories of others who had similar uncertainty, how they made the decision, and how they felt as a result.


i found few of those so i promised myself that i’d put mine out there in case it could support anyone else on their journey.


important sidenote: i realize this is a sensitive topic. if you’re in a space where hearing about this is not supportive to you, please skip it..


i share the full story in this 30-minute episode of inprocess (or 15-minutes on 2x speed).

i cover topics like:

  • being on different pages about this huge decision with my partner

  • the balance i struck between logic and emotion when processing this choice

  • what happened when i let fear (versus possibility) uncharacteristically take over

  • questions i asked myself about identity shifts and redefining self and purpose

  • why i don’t necessarily believe in ‘hell yes’ or ‘hell no’ decision-making (especially when it comes to this)

  • the steps i took to process it all and the turning point moment when i made a decision

  • the still complex journey we took from that moment until conception, then early pregnancy

  • how things are shifting during my pregnancy

  • the pressures i’ve felt to ‘be excited’

  • recognizing the temporal nature of everything and how that gave me confidence to move forward

  • a book that aided a big shift for me

  • a dream that brendan (my partner) had shortly before we conceived in which our baby girl came to him

at the end of the episode, my co-host, kimberlin, advises me, “don’t be afraid of a calm yes”. and i leave that with you.


what’s your calm yes? where could you make space for that vs an enthusiastic ‘hell yes’?

yes to you, darrah

darrah brustein