the world will open up to you when you do this one thing

are you truly seen by the people who matter to you most? do you want to be? what’s the benefit of letting them in in this way? what are the drawbacks?


in the latest episode of the inprocess podcast, my co-host kimberlin shares openly about her struggles, growth, and outcomes she’s seen as she stopped trying to be who she thinks she ‘needs to be’ or what she suspects people expect her to be, and instead, chooses with intention when and with whom she wants to give them the privilege of seeing her full and true self (and receive the gifts that come to her when she does).


it takes bravery, self-love, and self-trust to do this. it can feel high-stakes, too. we discuss her journey with all of this, in hopes that it might support you, too.


‘the moment you stop being afraid of being seen is the moment the world opens up to you.’


are you ready?


listen here (it’s only 20ish minutes or 10ish on 2x speed)

to being fully seen and known, darrah

darrah brustein