healthy comparison

if you ever compare yourself to the traits of others you admire and it leads to the erasure of some of your unique traits and/or confusion or stagnation, then this conversation is for you.


in this episode of the inprocess podcast, my co-host kimberlin shares about the anxiety she felt on her recent birthday when her head swirled with 'have to's', 'shoulds' and 'musts'.


she admits to getting called out by her partner to stop trying to get rid of the things that make her uniquely her when she compares herself to the traits she admires in others,  wanting to take those on and forgo her own.


we discuss when it's useful versus harmful to compare.


as well as the fear she felt of sharing these inner challenges, and not wanting to burden her loved ones.


and conversely, a research principle that refutes that concern (called the 'reciprocity deficit' that could have her pushing people away unknowingly by not inviting them in to support).


by the end, she shares the balanced place she's found that supports her ability to take what she admires in others without overriding her true self or moving away from her potential for her greatest impact that comes from her authenticity.


here's a quote from the episode that really inspired her:


'don't dilute yourself trying to be palatable to everyone. dare to leave an aftertaste. you are you, only you.' -myleik teele


as you listen, pause and bookmark whatever nugget(s) emerge for you. i have a hunch you may relate to even a small part of what she shares.

(the episode is 40ish minutes (or 20ish on 2x speed)).

darrah brustein