How To Seek (And Find) More Delight

This topic might sound frivolous…I promise you it's not.

In a rare moment where my co-host Kimberlin and I are processing the same things, we share about our searches for more delight, pleasure, and enjoyment in the latest episode of the inprocess podcast.

These topics may feel counterintuitive to how you were conditioned (they were for us, too, raised with an ethos of 'hard work' and 'productivity' first and foremost).

Yet, this endeavor felt in concordance with my (and her) values (and perhaps yours, too).

Remember: where you put your attention is where you see results. So when you look for more delight, for example, you find it. The more you do that, the more it engrains in your mind and becomes a habit.

It could be easy to undermine this and write it off. It's worth reconsidering that urge and tuning in here (it's a quick 20-ish-minute episode or 10-ish on 2x speed).

To your delight, Darrah


Processing Endings


Healthy Comparison