processing endings

endings can be complicated. are they really an end at all? perhaps, instead, the start of something new.


in the final episode of season 2 of the inprocess podcast (yes: an ending about endings), i share about ending a professional endeavor to invite in the opportunity for what’s more aligned (and not grip on to this thing that was ‘working’ and ‘successful’ but knew in my heart of hearts that it was time to move on).


in it, i share why i don’t believe endings need to define an entire experience and why i chose not to see this ending as a failure, but instead, as a success for the time that it lasted.


my co-host kimberlin and i discuss understanding when ‘seasons’ change and surrendering to the season, even when there’s no guarantee that what’s next will be ‘better or ‘work out’’.


we cover what to consider when you’re deciding whether or not to end something, how to get the answers you need to do so, and whether or not there’s actually a ‘wrong’ decision.

(the episode is about 28 minutes (or 14 on 2x speed)).

to trusting how things will transpire for you, darrah

darrah brustein