bad at saying ‘no’? read this.

say ‘no’ without burning bridges or feeling fomo…


is that even possible?!




when you design your life, an important part of the creation of it is putting the necessary boundaries in place to protect your energy and priorities. which also means knowing when to say ‘yes’ versus ‘no’.


i had a conversation with jenna kutcher on her podcast about this… and much more. i’m sharing it because i know there is a morsel in here that you need to hear.


some highlights from the episode:

  • why other people’s definitions of success don’t have to be yours… and how to determine what yours is

  • how to ask uncommon questions to get to your ‘why’ like: ‘what sparks jealousy in me?’ (a sign that you want it for yourself) or ‘what angers me in the world that i want to help make better?'

  • why pinpointing your top values is essential (this free tool will help you do that)

  • why you need to do a time audit to see if your values and your actions are aligned

  • how to determine the exact price tag of your ideal life and then reverse engineer your business to make that possible

  • why boundaries start with systems and how to make them

  • how to run micro experiments to test your boundaries without letting the whole house of cards collapse

  • how to say ‘no’ without burning a bridge, missing out, or falling out of favor with someone (and how this gives others permission to do the same)

  • a template for the best ‘no’ email template you should use!

tune in here to listen the episode.

 to your “no’s” that make space for your aligned “yes’”, darrah

ps if this episode sparks a desire in you to go deeper, i highly suggest you check out this 90-minute self-paced program. or, that you apply for my next open 1 on 1 coaching spot!