“Contracting my business was the best thing I ever did for my sanity and family"

It’s not the most popular opinion that bigger isn’t always better in business. What’s best for you is not the same as what’s best for someone else. You get to decide how you define success.

In this episode of your business hotline, Tina calls in and shares:

“There’s so much perceived pressure to grow! Sometimes I feel dumb that I chose to make less money and reclaim my joy by working way less… like I should have figured out a magic formula to do it all. But, contracting my business was the best thing I ever did for my sanity and family life. It often has me wondering, ‘what would they think of me if they know how I spend my time now?’”

We go on in the episode to talk about how to spend less time working (if that’s your desire) without dimming one’s ambitions and giving yourself permission to change your mind (and ways you work) over time.

In the conversation, Tina admits that she has so much of what she always wanted, but isn’t letting herself enjoy it because of the pressure she perceives as well as puts on herself (might that sound familiar?).

If you’ve ever felt that overt or covert pressure to grow and your spidey senses are telling you to reconsider, watch or listen to the episode.

Some reflection prompts for you whether or not you tune in:

  • Where do you feel like there’s ease versus you’re forcing it? (force is often telling you to slow down, pay attention, and potentially change directions )

  • How much are you doing for other people’s gaze, approval, or opinion?

  • If no one else in the world knew what you were doing or what accolades you’d racked up, what would you be doing?

We all are taking actions to drive us towards a feeling we desire to experience. Sometimes we let the actions supercede the feeling and become the detriment to them (ex: we want to feel peace but we drive ourselves nuts with our actions).

Can you identify where those feelings already exist in your life, give gratitude for them, and build on that?

As Dr. Brene’ Brown says, ‘choose discomfort over resentment’. Are you ready?

To your growth, Darrah


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