habits: why 1% daily improvement will change the quality of your life

your ability to achieve success (on your terms) has a large correlation with your habits. while this may not sound exciting, it’s the little choices you make every day add up. incremental improvements (or declines) in your habits compound.

since i get a front-row seat at the power of intentional habit formation and continuity with my clients (and myself), i’m dedicating today’s email to helping you create habits that truly move the needle for you.

much like muscle or weight gain or loss, you won’t notice it as it’s happening, but you’ll notice the impact and accumulation over time.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
How To Get Someone Who’s Never Met You To Reply Positively To Your Cold Outreach

Here are actionable tips and an email template to use to improve your chances of having the person you want to meet answer you positively.

You have your sights set on getting in touch with this person. You are certain that even a short conversation will unlock a world of potential and possibilities for you both. But either you’ve refrained from reaching out because you’ve already decided they won’t answer, or you’ve tried and struck out, getting no reply.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
biz advice from a “Shark Tank” shark inside 🦈

remember when we talked about the 5 styles of mentorship (traditional, co, reverse, from afar, and moments) and shared about how you can glean valuable mentorship nuggets from someone you admire and/or who’s farther along on a similar journey in just moments…

well today we’re doing that together… with original “shark” from the hit tv show shark tank: kevin harringon.

with companies that gross over $500m a year, i’ve distilled our hour-long conversation into his top tips on what contributes to that success... in 4.5 minutes!

that’s exactly what sheri salata did. we sat down for an hour and i distilled her best advice and wisdom into 6 minutes of goodness for you.

in case you needed the reminder: it’s never too late to begin to traverse your own path and take stock in whether or not your choices are moving you towards the life and business you truly want.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
want to stay in business? remember this…

your business has to make money to fulfill its mission and make your unique impact, friend.

why am i telling you this seemingly obvious statement?

because one of the things i hear most often from heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs is “but i feel so badly charging/charging more for this when i want everyone who needs it to access it.”

i’m ALL for inclusive pricing, sliding scale models, pay-what-you-can, scholarships, and the list goes on. and i’m not here to tell you that there is one magical way to price your offerings for both profit and impact…

but i am here to gently remind you that it’s not greedy or selfish to charge a fair market rate and make a profit.

in fact, you can’t stay in business and continue to make the impact you desire to unless your business makes a profit.

here’s another thing to consider: when you do that, it allows you to make more of an impact by spending your earnings to hire people to join in the mission, outsourcing and putting those dollars back into other values-aligned businesses, feeling less constrained in your marketing (ie get in front of more people who will be helped by the solution you’re offering), and you’ll be able to share and give more generously when you’re not financially strapped.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
Oprah’s former President on success + reinvention

if you think it’s difficult to walk away from something in your life that’s going well, but isn’t contributing to your deepest calling or continued growth, friend… try being Oprah’s executive producer and president for 20 years, and then in your mid-50’s, decide to start over.

that’s exactly what sheri salata did. we sat down for an hour and i distilled her best advice and wisdom into 6 minutes of goodness for you.

in case you needed the reminder: it’s never too late to begin to traverse your own path and take stock in whether or not your choices are moving you towards the life and business you truly want.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
stop waiting for someone to make your dreams come true

the silver bullet you need is you, friend!

from early on in childhood, we’re shown images of ‘damsels in distress’ awaiting their prince to come and save them from their lonely tower. many conversations have evolved positively to help women understand that we can’t anticipate a partner who will come and ‘save us’ from anything. one has to be a whole person to unite fully with another whole person.

we will always have room to improve and grow, but we do that work for ourselves, and invite someone into it, rather than anticipate that their arrival will magically make it ‘all better’ and allow for ‘happily ever after’.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
overcoming financial stress (and a free resource 🎉)

financial stress is no joke, First name / friend, and we all come face-to-face with it. it’s also a taboo topic that we avoid, and whenever i bring it up, typically triggers someone. but i do it anyway because it’s an essential part of our freedom to choose how we spend our time and define success for ourselves.

when i began building my career, i experienced three back-to-back layoffs in three years. i then feared foreclosing on the home i bought in a rush as the result of getting a restraining order against my then landlord (at age 23). feeling like working for other people wasn’t as ‘stable’ as i’d been led to believe, at 25, i started a credit card processing company with my twin brother and ran through my savings in about 6 months.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
bad at saying ‘no’? read this.

say ‘no’ without burning bridges or feeling fomo…

is that even possible?!


when you design your life, an important part of the creation of it is putting the necessary boundaries in place to protect your energy and priorities. which also means knowing when to say ‘yes’ versus ‘no’.

i had a conversation with jenna kutcher on her podcast about this… and much more. i’m sharing it because i know there is a morsel in here that you need to hear.

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this is the best (free) tool to guide you towards a biz and life you love

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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how to change

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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you’re not too busy. it’s just not a priority.

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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3 questions that will help you reach your revenue goals faster

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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how to get your first (or next) 10 customers

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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the art of doing it all

balance: often elusive, and more often the bar set for you to hit.

integration: my preferred methodology for getting it all done. instead of balancing this and that, you do this and that together. allow me to explain...

multitasking gets a bad rap; it’s challenging to do multiple tasks well simultaneously.

but what about shifting gears at various intervals throughout your day -- switching focus to work on entirely different tasks?

much like in many schools where kids go from class to class and change subject matter as often as hourly, we can apply this segmented structure to our professional lives.

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do you trust yourself? 🤔 (not a trick question)

riddle me this: when you have a decision to make, what do you do:

  1. poll lots of people

  2. close your eyes, hold your breath, metaphorically point to an option, and choose it

  3. look at all the data available

  4. tune into yourself to see what your inner knowing says

  5. a combination of the above

  6. none of the above (i let others decide for me)

why am i prying? because ultimately, our life is the accumulation of the decisions we make every day, in every moment.

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do you want to get your message out there?

what does success mean to you? seriously. on your terms, and no one else’s.

i’m sure you’re familiar with the expression “keeping up with the jones’" (now the kardashians might be a better sub for jones’). have you ever considered whether or not you’re "keeping up" when it comes to your life and career? stick with me because often it’s not as obvious as it might seem....

about 10 years ago, i was in a stage of growing my businesses where i was buying into the hype that success looked like burnout and that i should “sleep when i’m dead” if i wanted my company to thrive.

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overcoming fear of the inevitable haters

what does success mean to you? seriously. on your terms, and no one else’s.

i’m sure you’re familiar with the expression “keeping up with the jones’" (now the kardashians might be a better sub for jones’). have you ever considered whether or not you’re "keeping up" when it comes to your life and career? stick with me because often it’s not as obvious as it might seem....

about 10 years ago, i was in a stage of growing my businesses where i was buying into the hype that success looked like burnout and that i should “sleep when i’m dead” if i wanted my company to thrive.

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3 steps to get unstuck and find success on your terms

what does success mean to you? seriously. on your terms, and no one else’s.

i’m sure you’re familiar with the expression “keeping up with the jones’" (now the kardashians might be a better sub for jones’). have you ever considered whether or not you’re "keeping up" when it comes to your life and career? stick with me because often it’s not as obvious as it might seem....

about 10 years ago, i was in a stage of growing my businesses where i was buying into the hype that success looked like burnout and that i should “sleep when i’m dead” if i wanted my company to thrive.

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