a story about momentum

in a culture that celebrates ‘unicorns’ and ‘overnight success’, i hope you’ll ground yourself in this as you work towards your goals…

if you’ve ever played with dominoes or have seen them, you know this:

it takes a long time to set up the chain, at the precise distance from one another, and with much finesse, until you can finally have that ‘payoff’ moment where you knock over the first one and get to watch some, or all, of them fall.

when we set up this scenario, we know what we’re getting ourselves into.

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should you care about finding your passion?

there’s much chatter that goes something like this: ‘find your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life’. and, ‘do what you love and the money will come’.

like most things, i both agree and disagree because there’s a lot more nuance to this conversation (access, privilege, and many other shades of grey to consider).

i deep dive into this conversation with podcaster and author jordan lee dooley and i think it’s worth a listen.

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6 questions to ask today to grow your authority

do you ever see other people speaking on stages, publishing books, being featured in the media, building followings, and booking podcasts left and-right and secretly wish that was you? if so, i don’t blame you, because those can be really useful tools to elevate your message, make an impact, and grow your business.

which often leads to the next thoughts of:

  1. how do i go about doing that?

  2. which method(s) do i pursue?

  3. where do i start?

  4. how do i break through?

the answers to these all go back to your goals and strategy… which align? and for which are you best positioned based on your skills, presentation preferences, connections, and so on?

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9 strategies to make content creation effective + enjoyable 🎉

it’s likely not news to you that one of the best ways to drive traffic to your business is to create consistent, high-value content.

yet, it’s also likely that doing that consistently and with quality can be/is a challenge.

my clients lament this often and share how they struggle to keep up with it, feel inspired to know what to create, be in the know with which platforms to use and which trends to follow, and how to manage their time to create and post.

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16 quick tips to become a better networker

why do we forget people whom we meet? why doesn’t every past client refer us business? why do we fail to stay in touch and keep up with people, friend?

if we’re being honest with ourselves, we can relate to one or more of these questions. relationships matter and drive results.

yet, while we are wired to be social beings, we are not wired to manage the massive amounts of connections we have now.

cue my favorite word: intention… this is what it takes to stay engaged with others and remain top-of-mind for them.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
connect with anyone you want to meet: here’s how

people hold the keys to unlock the doors you seek to open. no matter your industry or goals, this is the case.

so instead of trying to find a work-around, i’m going to equip you with tools and strategies to build, nurture and grow your relationships… in some cases in ways that only take a few minutes of your time.

before we do that i want to be sure you really get the importance of this.

if you will, think back to a recent opportunity you’ve gotten. was it in part, or parcel, thanks to someone you knew, or who knew of you?

i’d guess with a high amount of certainty that this logic tracks for most, if not all, of the opportunities you’ve had come your way.

but here’s the thing: so many people get this stuff wrong!

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
treat your business daily like a secret shopper is coming: here’s why

when you look back at your life, can you immediately recall mile markers that sent you down a path that forever changed your trajectory, First name / friend?

i get reflective during this time of year and whipped up an article for my new column at inc. magazine to share a story about how a 2013 article in the same publication sent my business in a new direction that later helped me sell it. i also pull out a bunch of lessons i learned along the way.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
what’s the cost of inaction?

have you ever considered the opportunity cost of not taking action?

we often wait until we have certainty, but sometimes, that's a cloak hiding our fear of taking messy action...⁠

of possibly being 'wrong'...⁠

but sometimes the risk is more in staying stagnant (an object at rest stays at rest, after all)...⁠

versus taking messy, imperfect action that moves you in a direction that feels (as best as you can tell) that it's moving you towards your goals/visions/values...⁠

and maybe those don't feel clear, so the action step is digging into the creation of those.⁠

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
it’s time to hit pause

happy holidays! have you carved out space to pause, reflect, and celebrate, even amidst what can be a whirlwind of activities this time of year?

let’s try something...even if it’s just for 5 minutes today: get quiet and still and ask yourself (in your mind or in writing)

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
2 key tools for your visioning + goal planning this year

are you planning to take some time over the holidays to reflect on the year that’s passed and goal plan or vision for the upcoming one?

if so, here’s a workbook that offers useful tools to map out your vision, choose mantras for how you’d like the year to feel, and visualize it through narrative and imagery (this combination is key.)

pro tip: when you have a destination in mind, you naturally channel your efforts towards it, making your daily choices much more obvious and focused.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
no more holiday money stress - 6 expert tips

this can be an emotionally ripe time of the year: family, gatherings, gifts, childhood memories…. Joy, stress, obligation, guilt, expectation, anticipation… it can bring up a lot.

one thing that tends to underpin some of this energy is uneasiness about money: paying for gifts, annual or quarterly business taxes coming due, preparation for holiday gatherings…

so while this message may seem a bit untraditional to head into the holidays, it’s important that we talk about money and how to set yourself up to have it be a tool for you, and a source of freedom and generosity, rather than stress.

to do that, i recruited one of the best in the business: the TODAY show’s financial contributor jean chatzky, to share her wisdom with us.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
thank you!

thank you! thank you for who you are. for the dreams you have. for the goodness you put into the world. for the impact you’re making. for the gift you give me of an invitation into your inbox each week to share, encourage, and use my gifts.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter
how to declutter your tech life to find more joy + meaning

Studies show that at the quantities we are ingesting digital content, there is a backlash of some of the highest rates of loneliness and depression, yet we’re led to believe that these tools are to help us live fuller, more connected lives. What do you make of that? And what’s their impact on you?

As we head into the holiday season, it can be a great time to reflect before we look ahead. One consideration is to do a full or partial digital detox in order to clear your mind of the external noise and inputs that happen in our relationships with our devices.

Phones, tablets, computers, social media... they’re all simply tools, neither good nor bad inherently. It’s how we use them and are in relationship to them that matters.

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darrah brusteinnewsletter